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Configuring Shoko Relay

If you chose Shoko Metadata as your Plex Agent/Scanner combo you can skip this page and move directly to the Syncing Watched States page.

Creating A Shoko Relay Library

  1. Add a Plex Library

    • While Shoko Server is running, open Plex and create a new "TV Shows" library.
    • Ensure that you have completed the required edits mentioned on the Installing Agents & Scanners page.
  2. Add a Folder to Your Library

    • When prompted to add folders to your library, browse to your anime collection.
    • Even though Shoko will provide the metadata, Plex still needs to know where the physical files are located.
  3. Configure the Advanced Settings

    • In the Advanced tab, select: Scanner Shoko Relay Scanner and Agent ShokoRelay.
    • Enter your Shoko Server credentials which are the only required settings.

    Shoko Relay - Inputting Server Information

    For more information on each of the required settings consult the table below:


    The Shoko Server Username

    The username for the local account you created during the First Run setup in Shoko Server.

    The Shoko Server Password

    The password for the local account you created during the First Run setup in Shoko Server.

    The Shoko Server Hostname

    The IP address for the computer where Shoko Server is located. This can be left blank unless Shoko Server is running on a different computer.

    The Shoko Server Port

    The port Shoko Server uses, by default it is 8111

    Use single season ordering

    If you set SingleSeasonOrdering to True during the install process, make sure you check this box.

  4. Change Recommended Options

    • Changing the following options at the bottom of Advanced Settings page is also recommended:


    Hide items which are in collections


    Hide for single-season series

  5. Add the Library

    • Once you've reviewed and configured the remaining options, click the Add Library button.
    • After adding the library, initiate a scan within Plex and wait for Plex to add your collection.
  6. Allow Local Metadata

    • In Plex Navigate to: Settings > Agents (Legacy) > Shows > ShokoRelay
    • Move the following entry to the top of the list and enable it:
    • Local Media Assets (TV)

Enable the following options in Shoko to ensure that Plex has at least one source of metadata for everything:

  • Settings > AniDB > Download Options
    • Character Images
    • Creator Images
  • Settings > Metadata Sites > TMDB Options
    • Auto Link
    • Auto Link Restricted
  • Settings > Metadata Sites > TMDB Download Options
    • Download Alternate Ordering
    • Download Backdrops
    • Download Posters
  • Settings > Collection > Relation Options
    • Auto Group Series
    • Determine Main Series Using Relation Weighing

Additional Information


When encountering any issues with the scanner or agent, please note that there are detailed logs available in the Plex Media Server Logs Folder which can help to pinpoint any issues:

  • Agent Logs: \Plex Media Server\Logs\PMS Plugin Logs\com.plexapp.agents.shokorelay.log
  • Scanner Logs: \Plex Media Server\Logs\Shoko Relay Scanner.log


When encountering bad matches/metadata the first thing to check for is if TMDB match and episode mapping is correct in Shoko for the series in question.


Under extremely specific circumstances Plex will automatically group files together without user intervention. This occurs when storing all of the files from multiple AniDB entries in a single folder (located in the root directory of the Plex library) with no other subfolders present inside of it. To resolve this simply create an empty subfolder in any directory affected by this or separate the files from each AniDB series into their own folders/subfolders.

Handling "Stuck" Metadata

In cases where metadata (generally posters) won't update there is a quick 3 step process to fix it:

  1. Navigate to the series → More "..." Button → Unmatch
  2. Settings → Manage → Troubleshooting → Clean Bundles + Optimize Database
  3. Navigate back to the series → More "..." Button → Match → Select top result

If this somehow still fails then a full Plex Dance is likely required.

Cast & Crew Limitations

If "staff listings" are enabled in the settings the following custom agent limitations apply:

  • All Cast & Crew members are listed under the cast section only
  • Directors, Producers and Writers will be empty when attempting to filter for them in Plex
  • All Crew members are available for filtering under Actor only
  • The links in the Cast & Crew section under individual episodes won't return any results

Automatic Season Naming Limitations

Due to custom agent limitations certain season names which contain special files will not name themselves correctly. These can be renamed manually or with the included script that accesses the Plex API. The affected season names and their intended names are listed below:

  • Season -1 → Credits OR [Unknown Season] → Credits
  • Season -2 → Trailers
  • Season -3 → Parodies
  • Season -4 → Other

Automatic Title Modification

Common Prefixes for Series

When a series starts with a common title prefix it will optionally be moved to the end of the title (for improved alphabetical sorting). A list of the prefixes considered common by the agent are as follows:

  • Gekijouban
  • Eiga
  • OVA
Ambiguous Titles for Episodes

In cases where AniDB uses ambiguous episode titles the series title will be used instead (with the original title appended to it as necessary). A list of the titles considered ambiguous by the agent are as follows:

  • Complete Movie
  • Music Video
  • OAD
  • OVA
  • Short Movie
  • Special
  • TV Special
  • Web


The appended titles will appear after an em dash () making it easy to search for anything affected by this.

TMDB Matching

If you have TMDB auto links enabled in Shoko you will have access to several features not available otherwise:

  • Plex's default theme song support (using the TvDB ID)
  • Season support for long running anime (including posters)
  • Fallback for series/episode descriptions and titles (if AniDB is missing that information)

With SingleSeasonOrdering disabled in the Scanner and Agent the following will also be supported:

  • Combining multiple Shoko series into a single Plex entry
  • Alternate episode ordering for seasons
Combining Series

This allows shows which are separated on AniDB to be combined into a single entry inside Plex. To Achieve this simply multi-select (with the primary series as the first selection) the series in your Plex library which you know are part of a single TMDB entry then select Merge.

Using Fairy Tail as an example all of the following series can be safely merged into a single entry in Plex if they are correctly matched to TMDB in Shoko:

  • Fairy Tail
  • Fairy Tail (2011)
  • Fairy Tail (2014)
  • Fairy Tail (2018)


Only do this when you are happy with the metadata for the series to be merged as you will be unable to correctly refresh it without splitting the series apart first.

Alternate Episode Ordering

It is quite common for anime to have multiple ways of grouping the episodes into seasons. This includes: DVD/BD ordering, stream site listings or even manga story arcs. If you used Shoko while it still had TvDB support you may find that series in your Plex library are grouping differently than they used to be. Using Bleach as an example you can see that TMDB doesn't split the original run into seasons while TvDB does. Fortunately, TMDB's Episode Groups page provides alternate ordering options (often including TvDB's) in case you would like to use one of them instead.

If you have "Download Alternate Ordering" enabled under Shoko's "TMDB Download Options" this can be achieved using Shoko's /Tmdb/Show/{showID}/Ordering/SetPreferred v3 API endpoint which is available via /swagger/ (Shoko's public API).

Once you have authenticated with swagger, you can navigate to the previously mentioned endpoint. Using Bleach as an example once again, you would enter 30984 (Bleach's TMDB ID) into the showID box. Then you would the set the 16 character AlternateOrderingID in the request body to one of the ones available here (both IDs are available from the URL on TMDB). Lastly, click "Execute" and the order will be applied.

  "AlternateOrderingID": "663fb548c10d4be3e80b2f6d"


If you select an alternate order for a series TMDB season posters will no longer be automatically added to Plex as those are only for the default seasons.

Combining Episodes

Sometimes you may encounter a single episode which is split across multiple files. In order to ensure that all of the files are treated as a single entity you can follow Plex's Naming Conventions. For an ideal playback experience, it is recommended to merge these types of files together.

Minimum Tag Weights

Many tags on AniDB use a 3 Star Weight System which represents a value from 0 (no stars) to 600 (3 stars) and determines how relevant the tag is to the series it is applied to. By setting this value in the Agent settings you can filter out tags below a certain star threshold.

Assumed Content Ratings

If "assumed content ratings" are enabled in the agent settings the target audience and content indicator tags from AniDB will be used to roughly match the TV Parental Guidelines system. The target audience tags will conservatively set the initial rating anywhere from TV-Y to TV-14, then the content indicators will be appended. If the tag weights for the content indicators are high enough (> 400 or **) the rating will be raised to compensate. A general overview is listed in the table below:






Shoujo, Shounen


Josei, Seinen


Sexual Humour


Nudity, Sex


** Violence


** Nudity, *+ Sex


Borderline Porn (override)


**+ Nudity, ** Sex


**+ Violence


18 Restricted (override)



Many series are missing these tags on AniDB so adding them is encouraged to help improve everyone's metadata.